Retaining Your Independence When You Are Living With Diabetes

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When you are living with diabetes, it's important for your independence that you be able to safely leave your home alone. Since a sudden drop or climb in your blood sugar numbers can be fatal, it's vital to prepare ahead of time and take proactive steps to deal with potential emergency situations before you ever leave home. Thankfully, there are many things you can do to prepare for emergencies to lessen the chance they will seriously harm you, including each of the following:

Order Yourself a Diabetes Medical Alert Wristband

When you leave home alone, you don't have anyone who can talk about your medical condition if anything happens. The answer to this issue is ordering a diabetes medical ID wristband. The wristband should contain your name, medical condition, and the name and phone number of your physician. Medical wristbands allow anyone to quickly determine what is likely happening with you and who they can call for further information.

Keep a Complete Blood Sugar Test Kit in Each of Your Vehicles

When you are living with diabetes, it's vital that you have the ability to check your blood sugar when you aren't feeling quite right. Since this can be a problem when you are out of the house, the solution is to keep complete testing kits in each of your family's vehicles. Your kit should include a meter, test strips, fast-acting recovery glucose tablets, and insulin.

Always Have a Fast-Acting Glucose Product with You

If your blood sugar plummets and you need a quick recovery, then the best way to do so is to take a fast-acting glucose product. So you don't have to scramble to find one, keep some with you in your car, purse, backpack, and anywhere else you can quickly access when needed.

Make Sure Your Friends, Relatives, and Co-Workers Understand Your Condition and Know How to Spot Emergency Situations

Lastly, it is important to note that not all diabetic blood sugar complications are obvious. For example, sometimes if your blood sugar is too low or too high it can make you act strangely or even lose consciousness. When the people in your life understand your condition, they can more quickly step in and help you get the medical assistance you need if they notice something isn't quite right with you. If the people around you don't know you are diabetic, then help could be delayed, and this could cause your condition to worsen.
